Secondary drying syndrome ( Sjogren's syndrome) should also be positive for the disease. 继发性干燥综合症(干燥综合征)还应该积极治疗原发疾病。
Sjogren's Syndrome ( SS) in humans is considered a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by diffuse lymphoid cell infiltration into the salivary and lacrimal glands. 干燥综合征(Sj(?)gren'sSyndrome,SS)是一种侵犯外分泌腺体尤以唾液腺和泪腺病变为主的慢性自身免疫病。
Conclution: In clinic, the primary sjogren's syndrome should be considered if we found that patients had renal tubular abnormalities, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, interstitial lung disease without apparently causes. 结论:凡在临床上出现不明原因的肾小管酸中毒、贫血、肺间质病变、血小板减少等,均要考虑pSS可能,而作相应检查,以达早期诊治。